Hey buyers! It’s been a tough year for many of you. I get it. You’ve endured far worse than boils, vermin, locusts, hail, pestilence, or frogs swarming the earth. With bidding wars on the frontlines in an often obscene seller’s market, you’ve been outbid, humiliated, stripped of your dignity, and defeated at every turn.
But now, with a change in the market, you have an opportunity to finally step up and assert your power. This is your moment. Claim it.
Many sellers are more motivated than ever - and, with your trusted real advisor at your side, you will find a more balanced playing field when you buy your new home.
So, it's time to rise up from the battlefield, stronger than ever. With this power, let me and my team help you find the right property, negotiate the right price (which probably more than offsets any increase in interest rates), ensure you are contractually protected at every stage, and secure your rightful place in the real estate market.
There are great deals waiting for you!
Chinatown celebrates the arrival of summer at this annual event—featuring food, art and music—which became a two-day fest beginning in 2021. The festival opens with a traditional lion dance procession and continues with performances (including a breakdance competition and K-pop music), kung fu demonstrations, a dumpling-eating contest, pony rides and cuisine from Chinatown restaurants.
Newberry Library Book Fair
It’s not too late to flesh out your summer reading list at one of the city’s largest used book fairs, where you can browse more than 135,000 titles that are priced to move. Many titles are $3 or less and the selection is vast, including cookbooks, music, fiction, art books and children's literature as well as movies and records (for those who already have all the books that they need, but still want to purchase some physical media). Fill your shelves and support the Newberry Library while you're at it.
3 Bed | 3 Bath East Lakeview
Offered at $619,000
Open House Sat & Sun 1:30 - 3:00
6 Bed | 4.1 Bath Lakeview
3 Bed | 3.1 Bath Michigan Avenue
4 Bed | 5 Bath Gold Coast
3 Bed | 3.1 Bath Near North Side
5 Bed | 4.1 Bath East Lakeview
3200 N. Lake Shore Dr, #2901
3 Bed | 3 Bath East Lakeview
7 Bed | 4 Bath Lakewood/Balmoral
950 N. Michigan Ave, #2203
3 Bed | 3.1 Bath Michigan Avenue
4 Bed | 3 Bath Buena Park
1 Bed | 1.1 Bath Gold Coast
3200 N. Lake Shore Dr, #810
2 Bed | 2 Bath East Lakeview
1 Bed | 1 Bath East Lakeview
4 Bed | 4.5 Bath East Lakeview
Magical, one-of-a-kind house
To be offered at $3,450,000
4 Bed | 4 Bath Gold Coast
To be offered at $2,295,000
2 Bed | 2 Bath East Lakeview
Gracious renovated residence
in prime pre-war building
Modern. Vintage. Architectural. Cool.
And everything in between.
Check out previous "Into the Weekends" here.
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Compass Real Estate is a Licensed Real Estate Broker with a principal office in New York, NY and abides by all applicable equal housing opportunity laws. All material presented herein is intended for informational purposes only, is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is subject to errors, omissions, and changes without notice. All measurements and square footages are approximate. This is not intended to solicit property already listed. Nothing herein shall be construed as legal, accounting or other professional advice outside the realm of real estate brokerage. Photos may be virtually staged or digitally enhanced and may not reflect actual property conditions.
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